We are still accepting donations towards licensing and promotion of the film and You can make a difference. We have partnered with United for Life Foundation to provide a tax-deductible charitable payment portal to allow easy processing. Follow the link below if you can help us through a tax-deductible gift.

Following the triumphant, sold-out showcase at the Sidewalk Film Festival and the iconic Alabama Theater, we are thrilled to announce the launch of a new initiative: a ministry dedicated to bringing "Joey" to audiences for in-person screenings and engaging Q&A sessions.

In advance, we would like to thank you for any support you can provide in sharing this fantastic story of courage, strength, and faith. Your help in spreading the word about "Joey" will undoubtedly inspire and uplift many.




Support Joey in spreading his message of hope and faith worldwide by making a tax-deductible contribution. Your generosity will assist Joey in finishing his feature-length documentary and empower him to speak at events hosted by the ministry across the country. Together, let's ensure Joey's voice reaches far and wide, inspiring others with his story.

You can also support Joey by making a “non-cash gift" by donating smartphones, jewelry, gift cards, stock, and even vehicles. 

Make a tax deductible donation here:


Enter the donation amount and select “Joey Hale Fund” under “Choose your designation” or select a non-cash gift option from the Idonate giving platform.

 Checks can be made out to United for Life Foundation and mailed to the address below.

 Joey Hale Fund

PO Box 43217

Birmingham, AL 35243

 “The Joey Hale Fund is a ministry of the United for Life Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization located in Birmingham, AL, so your donations are tax deductible.”

Make a Donation →

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Tell your friends and family about Joey! We'll post updates on our Facebook page as we progress. Editing status, Film Festival updates and more to come!

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